Exchange 2007 CCR and SCR SP2 Upgrade Install
Here are the steps I used to upgrade all of our Exchange 2007 servers to SP2:
Installation Order
– Upgrade CAS servers
– Upgrade HUB servers
– Upgrade Edge servers
– Update Mailbox Servers and CMS (cluster mailbox server)
– Backup AD and Exchange
– Stop all monitoring agents (e.g. MOM)
– Stop Antivirus program
– Make sure no pending installations and do a restart of the server to make sure
– Enable IPv6
Upgrade CAS and HUB servers roles
– Copy the Exchange 2007 SP2 install files into the CAS servers and run the “setup.exe” file * If you haven’t extract the files yet, you will need to extract it first
– The Exchange Server 2007 Install wizard should pops up, select the “Install Microsoft Exchange Service Pack 2″ option
– Click “Next” and following the on screen instructions
– The installation will go through several steps:
- Organization Preparation
- Preparing Setup
- Remove Exchange Files
- Preparing Files
- Copy Exchange Files
- Hub Transport Role
- Client Access Role
- Installs Management Tools
- Finalize the setup
– Click “Finish” to finish the installation – Restart the server
– Copy the Exchange 2007 SP2 install files into the CAS servers and run the “setup.exe” file
* If you haven’t extract the files yet, you will need to extract it first
– Login the the Passive Node server
– For Clustered Mailbox server, the upgrade installation needs to be ran in the Command Prompt. So start the Command Prompt and enter the follow command to initiate the install (make sure you are in the Exchange 2007 SP2 setup directory) : /m:upgrade
– Once the installation finished, do a restart of the server.
– Now we only have the Active node and the CMS left to upgrade. The next step will disconnect any connected users. So it is best to do this off hours.
CMS upgrade
– Still on the Passive Node, start the “Exchange Management Shell” and type in the following command to stop the CMS.
Stop-ClusteredMailboxServer -Identity clusteredMailboxName –StopReason “Exchange SP2 Upgrade”
*replace “clusteredMailboxName” with the name of your Clustered Mailbox name
– Type “Y” or hit enter to confirm
– You can also use the “Failover Cluster Management” to shutdown the cluster too.
– Once the cluster is stopped, we will need to move all the clustered roles into the Passive Node.
– Still in the EMS, type in the following command to move the roles into the Passive node:
Move-ClusteredMailboxServer -Identity clusteredMailboxName –TargetMachine passiveNodeMachineName –MoveComment “Exchange SP2 Upgrade”
*replace “clusteredMailboxName” with the name of your Clustered Mailbox name and “passiveNodeMachineName” with the machine name of the Passive Node
– Type “Y” or hit enter at the confirmation prompt
– Open up the “Failover Clustered Management” and doublecheck that all roles have been moved into the Passive Node.
– Close out the “EMS” windows and open up the Command Prompt
– Type in the following command to initiate the CMS upgrade: /UpgradeCMS
– Once the installation is done, the CCR or SCR should be back up and online.
Previous Active Node
– For the previous Active Node, you will need to follow the same instructions as for the Passive Node.
– Copy the Exchange 2007 SP2 install files into the CAS servers and run the “setup.exe” file
* If you haven’t extract the files yet, you will need to extract it first
– Login the the Passive Node server
– For Clustered Mailbox server, the upgrade installation needs to be ran in the Command Prompt. So start the Command Prompt and enter the follow command to initiate the install (make sure you are in the Exchange 2007 SP2 setup directory) : /m:upgrade
– Once the installation finished, do a restart of the server.
All of your Exchange 2007 servers should be updated to SP2 now.