How To Disable and Turn Off Google Maps Updates On Android Phone?

If you have installed Google Maps or your new Android phone comes with Google Maps preinstalled, then most likely you have noticed that it has automatic updated its maps from time to time. This can slow down your phone’s bandwidth and worst can cause roaming costs to your monthly plan if you do not have unlimited data plan. How can I disable this automatic maps updating from Google Maps? To disable the Google Maps updates, all you need to do is uncheck the “Automatic Updating” option from the Android Market for the Google Maps Apps.
Below are steps to disable and turn off automatic updates for Google Maps:
– Click and go to the Android Market
– Search for the Google Map apps or click on “My Apps”
– Select the Google Maps apps
– Inside, you will see an option to disable the “Allow automatic updating” feature
– Uncheck it and exit out
– Now the Automatic maps updating feature is turned off
This isn’t true – Google Maps does not have a checkbox to remove the auto update feature!
You have to go to the Android Market and then search for the Google Maps there for the option to disable Automatic updating.