How to increase the Windows disk partition in VMWare?
Below are some useful links on how to increase the Windows disk partition in VMWare.
- Increasing the size of the disk partition: Link
- Extending partitions in Windows using Diskpart: Link
* Watch the YouTube video on the second link.
- How to extend a data volume in Windows Server 2003, in Windows XP, in Windows 2000, and in Windows Server 2008 : Link
The Diskpart command can only extend data disk partition. It can not extend system or boot partition. If you tried extending the system or boot partition, you will get an error message. There are third party tools which can extend the disk partition for you, but we found that there is an easier way in doing this. Watch the YouTube video on the second link for step by step instruction on doing this. Basically, the video shows that you will need to use another VM to add an addition disk into it. And, this disk is the system partition disk from the VM that you wanted to extend.