How To Invite Friends To Google+?
So now you are logged into Google+, because someone has invited you. Now, how the hack do you invite others to join Google+?
Well it isn’t that hard.
1. Log in to your Google+ account
2. Click on the “Circles” icon on the top (* Next to the “Find People” textbox )
3. Once you are in the Circles page, click on the “Add a new person” option on the left side. If their email is already showing, then you do not need to do this step.
4. Drag and Drop them to a Circle below (*Note: It is best to create a new circle )
5. When all users have been added to a Circle, go back to the Google+ Home and click on the Circle under “Stream”
6. Type in some text in the “Share what’s new…” textbox
7. The screen will expand and give you more option and you will see the “Share” button option.
8. Check the “Also email x people not yet using Google+” if it isn’t checked and click on the “Share” button again
9. Google will email them the invitation to join Google+
For those that got the Invite but still can’t get into Google+, you might want to try the steps below first.
If you haven’t done so, go to Google Profiles and create your profile page
Once you have done that, go to the Google Plus page and see if you can login
If not, then you have to wait and keep trying. Google servers might be busy.