Network Monitoring Tools
Network Monitoring Tools
Here is a list of some of the networking traffic monitoring tools that I found on another site.
Netmon is a comprehensive network monitoring system which gives you a complete perspective of your network from a variety of vantage points.
Imagine adding a thousand pairs of eyes to your network, each working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to monitor critical operational metrics:
* Network Traffic and Activity Monitoring
* Protocol Activity Monitoring
* Bandwidth Monitoring
* Device Monitoring and Management (SNMP)
* Service Monitoring
* Disk and Volume Monitoring
* Syslog and Event Log Monitoring
* Security Monitoring
* Performance Monitoring and Reporting
* Cisco Netflow Analysis and Reporting
* Email and Pager Notification / Alerts
* Environmental Monitoring
Netmon lets you intuitively explore the activity on your network with smart graphical tools like the Visual Network Explorer. A built-in email and pager alert system is designed to keep administrators informed of important events.
Company: Netmon Inc.
123LogAnalyzer is the fastest, most powerful and detailed solution for seeing who your site visitors are, where they come from, where they go, and more! Features include high-speed processing, low disk space requirements, built-in IP mapping and 123LogAnalyzer’s unique filtering capabilities. Very simple to use, with detailed tables and charts produced in an easy to understand, professional-quality report. Fast, powerful and professional.
Company: ZY Computing, Inc
Activeworx Security Center
Activeworx Security Center is a cost-effective security information management system that provides real-time security device log monitoring with alerts, audit and compliance reports, and tools for advanced, in-depth forensic analysis. Activeworx consolidates and manages alerts from multiple vendors and security devices.
Activeworx reduces the time it takes to analyze event data from multiple sources and produces real-time reports that pinpoint network security breaches and vulnerabilities. These in-depth reports provide the details necessary for regulatory compliance reporting for Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA, and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.
There are events that are being triggered from many different security devices on your network. Each of these events has its own key points of interest. Instead of removing the details, Activeworx acts as an event tracker and preserves these key points to enable you to take advantage of all the information within each event. It does this by allowing you to have multiple database types, including events from:
* Intrusion Detection Systems, including Snort
* Syslog Events
* Firewall Events
* Vulnerability Scans
* TCPDump Packets
* Keystroke Loggers
Company: CrossTec Corporation
Advanced TCP Logger
This program is a simple proxy server(port-mapper). It is an ideal tool for monitoring any network software or for researching network protocols. Log files with all traffic that has passed through this program are organized in a nice manner and can be saved in a separate folder. Main features include being written in pure Windows API, a display of all transmitted data, total transferred bytes counter, and more.
Company: KMiNT21 Software
This program was developed for system administrator and network users so them would be able to watch CISCO routers channel statistics (channel rate, volume, CPS) in real time. In addition it shows real time traffic information for selected subnets (IP accounting) and CPU Utilization. All collected information can be retrieved from embedded HTTP server by any browser and can be written to Log files.
Company: Serge Ryvkin
Cisco IOS NetFlow
NetFlow technology efficiently provides the metering base for a key set of applications including network traffic accounting, usage-based network billing, network planning, as well as Denial Services monitoring capabilities, network monitoring, outbound marketing, and data mining capabilities for both service provider and enterprise customers. Cisco provides a set of NetFlow applications to collect NetFlow export data, perform data volume reduction, post-processing, and provide to end-user applications easy access to NetFlow data.
Company: Cisco Systems, Inc.
Colasoft Capsa
Designed for packet decoding and network diagnosis, Colasoft Capsa monitors the network traffic transmitted over a local host and a local network, helping network administrators maintain and troubleshoot network problems. With the ability of real time packet capture and accurate data analysis, Colasoft Capsa makes your network transparent before you, letting you quickly and efficiently fix the network troubles.
What can you do with Colasoft Capsa?
— Diagnose your network events
— View detailed statistics for IP connections: IP addresses, ports, sessions, etc.
— Reconstruct TCP Streams.
— Monitor application packets.
— Monitor network error packets in real time.
— Monitor network traffic in real time and find out high network occupation.
— View protocols distribution, bandwidth utilization, and packet size distribution both in charts and tables.
— Generate comprehensive statistic reports.
— Monitor and logs HTTP requests, email messages and FTP transfers.
— Browse decoded packet information of network nodes.
— View TCP connection status.
— Define advanced filters with logical rules and multiple parameters.
— Import and export packets to the files in multiple formats.
— Capture traffic form multiple adapters simultaneously.
— Capture loopback traffic.
Company: Colasoft Co., Ltd.
Colasoft EtherLook
An easy to use TCP/IP network traffic monitor for the Windows-based platforms. With the abilities of real time monitoring all traffic flowing around the local network and to/from the Internet, you can manage and supervise the corporate network more easily and efficiently. The Traffic Analysis Module enables you to capture network traffic in real time, display the data received and sent by every host in LAN in different views.
Additionally, Colasoft EtherLook has three advanced analysis modules: the Email Analysis Module captures email messages and restores its contents including sender, recipient, subject, protocol, etc.; the Web Analysis Module allows detailed tracking of Web accesses from the network; the Login Analysis Module analyzes all data logins within the network and records all related data.
Company: Colasoft Co., Ltd.
Cricket is a high performance, extremely flexible system for monitoring trends in time-series data. Cricket was expressly developed to help network managers visualize and understand the traffic on their networks, but it can be used all kinds of other jobs, as well. Cricket has two components, a collector and a grapher. The collector runs from cron every 5 minutes (or at a different rate, if you want), and stores data into a data structure managed by RRD Tool. Later, when you want to check on the data you have collected, you can use a web-based interface to view graphs of the data.
Company: None (public domain)
Cuevision Server Monitor
Cuevision server monitor is an agentless monitoring system that excels in providing network and system administrators with critical information about the performance and status of servers, web sites and applications.
There are many built-in monitors for Windows servers, websites and network devices.
The Windows Event Log monitor which can monitor event logs and look for specific message text, event id’s and more.
The VBScript monitor allows you to use your own scripts to monitor anything in your environment. By plugging your scripts into Cuevision Server Monitor you gain the flexibility of being able to set alerts and create recovery actions based on events that your scripts are monitoring.
The ping monitor can check if devices in the network are responding.
The HTTP monitor can download web pages and monitor the text on the page, the download time of the page whether the page is responding or not.
Other monitors include the Windows service monitor, application monitor, process monitor and performance monitor. The performance monitor is available for monitoring critical Windows performance data such as CPU, disk space, memory and processes as well as ASP pages.
All data gathered through different monitors can be used to build reports.
A system administrator is always on the go, that’s why alerting is important. Cuevision Server Monitor can send alerts to the Windows Event Log, log files, popup messages to machines on the network, or email messages with customized information that can tell you about the alarm that triggered the alert and actions that were executed as a result.
Rich performance reporting is available for all monitors in real-time or historically. Multiple monitors can be graphed side by side for comparing trends over time.
Adding monitors is made simple by using the discovery module. Simply enter a range of IP addresses and the application will find available devices on the network. Once the devices are identified, creating monitors for them is as easy as clicking a few buttons. A map windows allows you to see the monitors the way you want. You can load a background map that depicts your server room or physical location around the country and arrange the icons for a clearer view of the monitors. Cuevision Server Monitor runs as a service and does not require you to deploy agents to monitored systems, it monitors them remotely.
Company: Cuevision
Distinct Network Monitor
Distinct Network Monitor translates complex protocol negotiation into natural language, pinpointing where errors occurred. Not only is it easier to use than any other competing products, but it also translates the packet negotiation into natural language, something no other network protocol analyzer does.
Distinct Network Monitor also captures several network traffic statistics for the network segment being monitored and provides a graphical representation of the statistics gathered. This feature may be used together with packet sniffing or on its own. When used on its own, the statistics can potentially span most of the network if Distinct Agents are installed on one system per subnet or switch.
Feature Summary: Captures network traffic and interprets it in plain English. Gives an intelligent interpretation of what actually happened on the network. Imports packet trace files taken with other networks analyzers and views them in Distinct’s plain English format. Supports high speed and wireless networks. Supports 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet and wireless TCP/IP adapters and 4/16 Token Ring cards. Works over serial line with a PPP connection. It allows you to filter at any level. You may filter the capture itself to avoid the collection of unnecessary packets and reduce the size of your capture. You may also filter a captured file and save the packets filtered to a new, smaller, more manageable file. Has a Remote IP Sniffing capability through its Agents. Gathers statistics related to the traffic seen by the system it is running on. It includes the ability to produce statistical reports in HTML format. Exports the network packet trace. This allows you to make use of the data gathered right in your application. Packet header information may be exported in a comma separated format (CSV) for use with Excel or imported into a database. Supports a wide range of protocols. It includes parsers for the most important protocols of the Internet including IP, TCP, UDP, HTTP, SMTP, FTP, POP3, IMAP, LDAP, H323, SIP, etc.
Company: Distinct Corporation
eHealth Network
eHealth Network provides a valuable baseline of your network by documenting normal behavior of millions of elements. Within days, you’ll be able to: quantify Frame Relay ROI, measure QoS and bandwidth usage, resolve router problems before they affect service, and reduce call failures to minimize costs.
Company: Concord Communications, Inc.
You are looking at the most advanced, the most powerful, the most amazing Internet acceleration tool on the market! You are looking at Evrox. Evrox can make your Internet connection go up to 2 times faster! Evrox uses revolutionary Smart-Evrox technology to find an Internet connection setting that is best for you!
Once you start the Smart-Evrox process, Evrox will begin testing various Internet optimization settings. Evrox will extrapolate the data collected about the various settings tested to find a custom setting designed just for your computer! Evrox is very simply to use, and requires no computer knowledge or training!
Evrox works will dial-up Internet, LANs, cable modems, DSL, T1 and T3 lines, and more!
Download your 100% free 30-day trial of Evrox now! We are sure you will be satisfied!
Company: RoadSide Software, LLC
Happy Port Scanner
Happy Port Scanner – Identify unknown open ports and their associated applications.
Happy Port Scanner supports Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP.
Happy Port Scanner reports all open TCP/UDP ports and maps them to the owning application. This is the same information you would see using the ‘netstat -an’ command, but it also maps those ports to running processes with the PID, process name and path. Port Scanner can be used to quickly identify unknown open ports and their associated applications. It can use to detect and kill Torjan or hide server application.
When Happy Port Scanner start, it will show two pages, TCP and UDP. TCP page shows all open TCP ports, connected remote IP, state, pid and process path. UDP page shows all open UDP ports, pid and process path. (UDP no state and remote IP)
When find a process open a port unsafe, select it in the list, then press “kill” at the bottom, the process will be killed.
Important: Don’t kill system process or service, which may cause serious error.
Company: Tomorrow INC.
InMon sFlow Probe
The InMon sFlow Probe is capable of continuously monitoring application level traffic flows at a full 1Gigabit (up to 1,500,000 million packets per second). Because the sFlow Probe can keep up with fully utilized Gigabit links, it can provide accurate and complete measurements when reliable measurements are most needed. InMon’s innovative sFlow technology combines traffic data with accurate interface counters and information obtained from switches and routers about their forwarding decisions
Company: InMon Corp.
InMon Traffic Server
InMon Traffic Server provides “always-on” monitoring of tens of thousands of switch ports, producing real-time and historical reports of application-layer traffic flows. Traffic Server makes use of embedded instrumentation within switches and routers: sFlow (RFC 3176), Cisco NetFlow and Hewlett-Packard Extended RMON.
Company: InMon Corp.
InterMapper’s active maps with “ants” and “haloes” provide a real-time view of traffic flows through and between critical network devices and links. InterMapper provides utilization statistics to help you optimize network performance, as well as traffic, error, and outage information so you can be aware of trouble spots.
Company: Dartware, LLC
IP Sciences StatScope
IP Sciences StatScope enables you to address network performance questions intelligently, proactively and securely. StatScope empowers you to deliver consistent levels of service to your organization, while streamlining your budget. StatScope continuously monitors the performance of your edge networks, and provides you a comprehensive view of ISP and equipment performance in real-time. StatScope is completely outsourced, requires no hardware, software, agents or plug-ins and can be deployed in minimal time. StatScope is a secure SNMP-based solution that remotely monitors throughput, packet loss, latency and CPU utilization of all your edge network devices worldwide. This includes real-time dynamic utilization graphics, proactive threshold notifications, granular data of all IP circuits, service outage alerts, and archived information to assist in network trending, QoS evaluations and SLA audits.
Company: IP Sciences, Inc.,
ItCan.Net Monitor
ItCan.Net Monitor is a bandwidth analysis utility. Besides giving a graphical illustration of the bandwidth usage on your computer or the network it resides, you get a list of all incoming and outgoing connections. This way you exactly know how bandwidth is used. And what your family is doing on the net. Some of the features include : monitor bandwidth usage on your own computer or on the network(segment) it is attached to multiple NIC support graphical and textual display (adjustable)monitor tcp,udp and/or icmp traffic view bandwidth usage totals per computer view bandwidth usage details per connection. New features include graphical icons for well-known ports, send messages to other people, highly configurable trayicon, autosave screen settings and more.
Company: ItCan.Inc.
Kerio Network Monitor
Kerio Network Monitor is a sophisticated tool for monitoring your Internet connection and network traffic. It allows the administrator to create various statistics, charts, graphs, etc. It can capture and display the following information: broadband usage (in graphical form), online accounting of transmitted data (for individual workstations), a table of active connections (for individual workstations), log of visited websites, log of sent and received emails (with sender/recipient addresses). It allows the administrator to view the contents of visited websites and sent/received emails.”
Company: Kerio Technologies
LANScan Network Monitor
LANScan Network Monitor records network activity and reports usage in real time via a powerful graphics interface. With LANScan you can quickly view bandwidth utilization, identify network users, view network activity by program type, locate problems, and more. LANScan Network Monitor makes long term network activity logging easy with a simple data logging facility that creates data which can easily be used in any reporting program. LANScan also includes Internet test functions like PING and TRACERT, logging of activity by MAC, IP, IPX and/or Domain name, fast installation, and more. LANScan requires no special hardware or software. This version improves LANScan’s performance on larger networks, and adds ARP-based name resolution
Company: LANScan Software, Inc.
MeasureNet gives you measurements of network traffic volumes and response times for each user, application and protocol. That means that you can answer questions about network performance, usage and capacity more easily
Company: AccuNet Pty Ltd
NetPredictor offers monitoring and prediction of application performance. It enables you to build or to interactively discover the path between an application user and the server. The results are shown as color-coded graphs for easy understanding of the source and extent of the delays.
Company: NetPredict, Inc.
NetQoS ReporterAnalyzer
NetQoS ReporterAnalyzer gives network professionals insight into how application traffic is impacting network performance. As the first enterprise product able to harvest a rich set of traffic statistics from Cisco IOS® NetFlow and IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) enabled routers and switches, it continues to be recognized as the industry standard for NetFlow monitoring and traffic analysis in Global 4000 enterprises.
Company: NetQoS, Inc.
Allot Communications NetReality network bandwidth management devices let you link your business policies to specific network actions that improve and control users’ productivity and satisfaction. Deployed on the WAN, NetReality offers full visibility of all traffic running on the network. NetReality, the WanXplorer server and the WanXplorer console enable you to prioritize network traffic and create real-time and historical reports on application performance.
Company: Allot Communications
Network Equipment Performance Monitor
NEPM is a very general, highly configurable, two part software system that monitors any type of logged data from IP networked equipment and reports it via e-mail and web pages. Analysis and reports of downtime, critcal events, and server performance levels are provided. Current conditions and history from systems based on Windows NT/2000, Unix, and Unix-style operating systems can be tracked and reported. Most major server, switch and router systems can be monitored, without running agents on the target systems. NEPM itself is system independent and can be hosted on either a Unix or WinNT system or a combination of these with equal ease.
Company: Nova Software, Inc.
Network Traffic Sniffer Protocol Analyzer Packet Inspector
Packet Inspector is an advanced network traffic monitoring and analyzing, testing and troubleshooting tool using packet analysis and protocol decodes mechanisms. It captures all traffic over both Ethernet and WLAN (802.11a and network and decodes all major and frequently used protocols including TCP/IP, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, POP3, TELNET, FTP, etc. All information is displayed in simple English with easy-to-use interface for anyone to master the tool with minutes of self-training. The flexible filters in Packet Inspector enable you to focus on the information that you are looking for. Packet Inspector Pro Key features: real-time packet capturing and analyzing over Ethernet and WLAN; reconstructs TCP/IP sessions and enables you to see data in their original formats; capture, display, and save transaction information such as user name and password and the entire message; capture POP3 and SMTP mails, displayed and saved in Outlook Format; powerful Packets Viewer to examine data in plain English; protocol decodes on TCP/UDP//IP suite and application protocols including POP3, SMTP, HTTP, TELNET, FTP; powerful filter provides a general and flexible mechanism for user to focus on useful packets; trace TCP connection states; dynamically loadable protocol drivers; support for multiple monitors and terminal server; support for both WLAN (802.11 a and
and Ethernet adapters.
Company: Javvin
Networx provides an accurate account of the data which is flowing through your computer’s network connection at any given moment. This readout is presented in both numeric and graphic format, in real time. NetWorx includes extensive logging facility, flexible events system, and more.
Company: SoftPerfect
OpManager is a comprehensive, affordable solution for monitoring the performance of a network. With growing network complexities, the system administrators are more than challenged when it comes to assuring a healthy network. OpManager ensures the availability of a network and its resources and reports when the going is tough.
Proactive Monitoring
OpManager provides out-of-the-box support for monitoring critical resources on servers, routers, switches, firewalls, domain controllers et all.. Besides the device availability, the other resources monitored include host resources like cpu, disk, and memory utilization, traffic utilization, availability of critical services, important windows event logs etc.
Performance data is collected for all the resources periodically to determine their availability and that of the network health as a whole. Pro-active monitoring by way of configuring meaningful thresholds, helps avoid ‘unpleasant surprises’.
Monitoring performance is done using standard protocols like SNMP, CLI, and WMI. So, it is not mandatory for your servers to be SNMP-enabled for performance monitoring. OpManager can monitor the linux and solaris environments using CLI and windows environment using WMI in the absence of SNMP.
Custom Monitoring Capability
Besides the resources monitored out-of-the-box, you can configure custom monitors for the SNMP variables. This facilitates monitoring of performance for almost any device that is pingable and has SNMP enabled!
Scheduled Reporting
Periodic reporting of the network health is an added advantange. OpManager allows you to schedule reports periodically at the chosen day and time. The reports are automatically emailed to the pre-configured email Ids or published to a URL.
With OpManager to monitor the network round the clock, you can sit back and relax, and feel assured that you will be the first one to know of an imminent fault.
Company: AdventNet, Inc.
OpUtils with its integrated set of 30+ tools that helps network engineers to effectively manage their IT infrastructure.
OpUtils with its integrated set of 30+ tools that helps network engineers to effectively manage their IT infrastructure with the following:
* Map switch ports to devices
* Manage IP Addresses
* Detect unauthorized network access
* Monitor bandwidth utilization of devices
* Monitor health and availability of critical devices
* Backing up configuration files of routers/switches
* & more ..
Company: AdventNet
Orion Netflow Traffic Analyzer
Download a free trial version of SolarWinds Orion NetFlow Traffic Analyzer to achieve a new level of visibility into network traffic behavior and trends. NetFlow Traffic Analyzer provides detailed visibility into network traffic behavior and trends. By leveraging Cisco’s NetFlow protocol to extract data from routers, this Orion module provides an in-depth view into which users and applications are consuming the most bandwidth. Easy-to-read charts and tables enable you to quickly isolate the cause of network problems and plan for future capacity based on historical traffic trends. NetFlow Traffic Analyzer displays network traffic by user, application, department, conversation, interface, and protocol. Integration with Orion offers deep drill-down across traffic patterns and into device performance, resulting in unprecedented visibility into usage, performance, and availability statistics. Competitive offerings merely infer and estimate utilization data. NetFlow Traffic Analyzer highlights include: .Optimizes network resource allocation and speeds troubleshooting of network problems with quick access to network traffic data .Profiles user and application bandwidth consumption patterns .Scales to monitor interfaces with multi-gigabit throughput .Enables long-term storage of NetFlow data .Improves overall network performance and availability.
Company: SolarWinds
PacketTrap pt360
PacketTrap pt360 is known for its combination of network monitoring and diagnostic tools, and its simple integration of open source products. The pt360 also has the Cisco Config tool you’ve been looking for.
Monitoring and Diagnostics Tools in One Customizable Dashboard:
o Edit, upload, download IOS configuration files
o Router configuration editor
o Server and application monitoring
o Netflow analyzer
o Decrypt Passwords
o TFTP server monitoringv o GUI developed by gamers
Company: PacketTrap Networks
PingGraph is a multi-threaded graphical TCP/IP network monitoring and diagnostic tool for Windows 95 and NT. PingGraph can graph response time within your Local Area Network (LAN). It can keep an eye on the response time of your favorite Internet multi-player game servers. It can even monitor your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to make sure you are getting the advertised connection quality and stability for which you are paying. PingGraph works over all TCP/IP networks, whether hard wired or dial-up to show you the response time between your system and any other system on the Internet. The freely distributable unregistered software is fully functional, with the exception of storing only a limited number of favorite sites, and only allowing one copy to run at a time on a given system.
Company: Infix Technologies
PROVISO allows service providers ultimate control of network performance management with a collect once, use many times data model; with long-term data retention; and with customized internal and external reports from one system. PROVISO is the solution.
Company: Quallaby
PRTG – Paessler Router Traffic Grapher
With PRTG (Paessler Router Traffic Grapher) you can easily set up and run a monitoring station that logs the amount of data flowing out and into any SNMP enabled network component. The most common usage is monitoring the bandwidth usage of leased lines, routers and firewalls. But you can also monitor the usage of servers, managed switches, printers and other network components. Using PRTG (Paessler Router Traffic Grapher) you can set up a traffic monitoring machine for your router or server in minutes. Free Edition and Pro Edition: The Free Edition is free for personal and commercial use. Simply download PRTG and give it a try. The Pro Edition offers additional features.
Company: Paessler GmbH
Qcheck, the new network troubleshooting utility from NetIQ, slices, dices, and checks network response time, throughput, and streaming performance. It even runs anywhere-to-anywhere traceroute!
Company: NetIQ
ROMmon develops easily deployable online network performance metric monitoring system for networking professionals. The system’s emphasis are on data aggregation, high availability and high scalability.
Company: ROMmon
Designed for flexibility and ease-of use, Shunra\Cloud recreates the real-life WAN in the lab. This enables users to test the performance of IP-based technologies under a wide variety of conditions such as latency, packet loss, jitter, bandwidth constraints and more. With Shunra\Cloud tests are fully customizable, repeatable, and can be automated, enabling users to perform “what if” scenarios and determine the real end-user experience, without the complexity or risk of testing over the real WAN.
Company: Shunra Software Ltd.
SoftPerfect Traffic Meter
SoftPerfect Traffic Meter monitors your network traffic that allows you to monitor the Internet traffic of specific users on your home or office network. SoftPerfect Traffic Meter works in real time, i.e. its statistics are displayed immediately either graphically or numerically. SoftPerfect Traffic Meter can build tabular or graphic reports on incoming and outgoing traffic per day, week or month. Furthermore, these data can be exported into any other program, e.g. Microsoft Excel, for further processing
Company: SoftPerfect Research LLC
Tevron CitraTest APM
Tevron’s CitraTest® APM is an all encompassing APM solution that addresses the needs of End-to-End Response Time Measurement, Availability Monitoring, and SLA Enforcement across any organization.
CitraTest® APM supports every application across the enterprise with one powerful solution. Any activity a Real User performs can be exactly replicated to be used as a measuring stick. Because the production environment is not changed in any way and all measurements are taken from the client perspective, the benchmarks and application availability metrics are exactly what the real users see and experience. This critical information can then be used to find and correct application performance issues before end users find them.
Company: Tevron, LLC
TracePlus Ethernet
TracePlus/Ethernet is a powerful performance and capture tool. Realtime statistics include bandwidth by node, protocol, and address pair. Network dashboard displays network performance updated each second. A history view chronicles the occurrence of specific IP events on your network.
Capture packets based on type, address, size, TCP/UDP port, or data pattern. Decodes SNMP packets (all versions). Intelligent data view formats IP user data for easy viewing. Imports capture files from other packet analyzers including UNIX and Linux OS’s. Supports VLAN features of the 802.1Q/802.1P protocols
Company: SST Incorporated
Ultra Network Sniffer
Ultra Network Sniffer from GJPSoft is a powerfully network visibility tools. It consists of a well-integrated set of functions that you can use to resolve network problem. Ultra Network Sniffer will list all of network packets in real-time from multi network card (Include Modem,ISDN,ADSL) and also support capturing packet base on the application(SOCKET,TDI etc). The user can observe all of traffic of the application that you are interesting. The user can easy to learn and simple to use. Ultra network Sniffer have plug-ins for different protocols such as ETHERNET, IP, TCP, UDP and so on.
Supports all of windows version (Windows XP/2000/NT/ME/98/95);
Monitor network activity in real time;
Dynamic network statistics and chart.
Expert HTML Export.
Get Permanent, Lifetime free software updates for register user.
Capture network traffic for detailed analysis;
Capture network traffic base on applicaton(TDI,SOCKET);
Probe the network with active tools to simulate traffic, measure response times, count hops, and troubleshoot problems;
Company: GJPSoft
The View2000 System provides insight into every aspect of the network with the ability to “pinpoint” network problems, and do detailed analysis on network operation, performance and usage. If there is a problem, View2000 can find it. If there is anything you need to know about your network, your customers or other users — View2000 can provide the report. View2000’s modular architecture allows it to scale to any size network, with the ability to collect statistics on thousands of elements and deliver reports for networks generating millions of call, statistics and alarm records per day. Furthermore, our menu oriented, intuitive GUI makes report generation extremely easy. You can call upon our library of over 150 pre-defined reports or, using our custom report designer — create your own. Need special reports? No problem, we can provide those as well.
Company: Tascom, Inc.