phpMyAdmin Ubuntu installation
Today, I was messing around with the installation of phpMyAdmin. I used the normal ‘apt-get’ command for the installation. To my surprise, it didn’t work. The installation installed fine, but when I opened up my browser and try to access the phpMyAdmin page, it gave me a ‘page not found’ error. I searched online and it seems this is a know problem. With the apt-get installation, it doesn’t create the symbolic link to the ‘phpmyadmin’ path. This need to be done manually.
Here is out I got phpMyAdmin to install under Ubuntu server:
1. Login to the Ubuntu server
2. Change into the root user by typing ‘su –‘
3. Type in ‘apt-get install phpmyadmin‘ (*make sure the server has access to the internet, otherwise this will not work)
4. Follow the on screen instructions
5. Once finished, type in the following command to crate the symbolic link
sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin /var/www/phpmyadmin